Crazy for Critters is saying goodbye. I've enjoyed hosting the blog but there are many other demands on my time at The Miami Herald and, while the blog has a small but devoted following, small is the operative word. To put in bluntly: the Herald isn't getting enough bang for its blog buck.
Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed and participated in the blog. I've made some great friends and connections, and learned a lot. There is much work to be done in South Florida to help animals, and I hope that all the people who care about them can get past their philosophical differences and concentrate on what really matters: Saving lives.
I can still be reached at [email protected], and definitely want to stay in the loop about what's happening with animal-oriented events and rescues. I'll be writing animal stories for the paper as they arise, and will be happy to help get event notices into the calendar section.
Best of luck to one and all.
Ellie Brecher (also Steffi, Shadow, Yoda, Magoo, Shayna, Cowboy and Moose).
About Steffi:
Steffi is probably a Dalmatian mix. Some have suggested she might have Argentine dogo in her (because she has so much pink around the eyes, and has speckles rather than spots). She was rescued about 6 weeks ago from a terrible neglect situation. I've been fostering. She's spayed and vaccinated, about 2 years old, 45 lbs.
She is a true delight, fine with male dogs, and females that won't challenge her Alpha status, and kids. She's perfect on the leash and in the car. She loves to play, snuggle and kiss.
If you can help find the perfect family, please call.