She is the mother of a two-year-old boy named Palden, and has a history of drug abuse and mental illness.
Her mother Lucely Zalvidar told a New Times reporter that while growing up in Miami she had run away from home, and had made attempts to commit suicide .
Local activists are organizing a candle vigil at 6 p.m., on May 31st, at 35 Percial Avenue, in Coconut Grove to mark the two year anniversary of her disappearance. More information at the Justice in Miami blog.
Andrea, thank you kindly for informing your readers about the disappearance of my good friend, Lily. And for letting them know about the upcoming vigil in her memory. I really appreciate it.
But to be completely honest, I don't see the relevance of mentioning her "history of drug abuse and mental illness". Yes, Lily was a recovering addict. But to my knowledge, the only mental illness she was diagnosed with was depression.
Why is it so important? She was a human being, a young mother who had high hopes for her and her son's future. Lily was getting her life in order, was in rehab until she was picked up for court by her ex-boyfriend. Her journals prove she was of sound mind.
I appreciate the Miami New Times for their article because it drew a lot of attention to Lily and positive results came from it. But the details about her teen years and hardships, took away from the focus at hand, her disappearance and possible murder.
What happened to Lily is a tragedy - and one day soon, I know the truth will come out. And justice served for Lilly.
For updates about Lily's case, please visit or follow me on Twitter
Posted by: Janet | May 23, 2009 at 10:18 PM
On June 1, 2007, Lilly Aramburo a single mother 23 years of age left her ex boyfriends house, a known heroin user, shortly after 2 AM never to be seen again. The Miami Dade Police Department’s detectives failed to interview Christen Pacheco, Kelly Starling, and “EJ” who were present when Lily disappeared.
Only after an article in the Miami New Times in September 2008 was Christen Pacheco interviewed. A private investigator who volunteered to help in Lily’s disappearance has developed a theory that Lily lost her life the night she disappeared in a crack house in Coconut Grove. The investigator has had 4 meetings with the Miami Dade Detectives providing details of the location as well as suspects in Lily’s disappearance/murder. To this day, the Miami Dade Police Department has done nothing to solve the case.
This Sunday, May 31, 2009, we will hold a vigil commemorating the second anniversary of Lily’s disappearance. The vigil will be held at the location where it is believed she lost her life. Names and details of the suspects in the case will be provided in the hopes that someone in the Coconut Grove community will come forward with information. Six months have passed since this information was provided to the Miami Dade Police Department with no results.
Come join us to commemorate and pray for Lily and her family.
Sunday, May 31st, 2009 at 6pm
Posted by: Janet | May 29, 2009 at 09:30 AM
What a sad thing!!
Posted by: shure | September 08, 2010 at 03:24 AM