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A comic (book) sensibility hits the stage

MC Promo ArtMarco Ramirez, who's in his second year at the Juilliard School's prestigious play-writing program, is an award-winning South Florida playwright who has always loved the fantastic worlds to be found in comic books.  His newest full-length work -- Macon City: A Comic Book Play -- is rooted in that tradition, with a plot that sounds as if it could just have easily have been created as a comic book or graphic novel.

Opening Friday the 13th in a Naked Stage production at Barry University, Macon City is set in a decaying metropolis where residents are struggling to survive, their city having been abandoned by its crime-fighting superheroes.  John Manzelli is directing and doing the lighting. Antonio Amadeo has created the set, Leslye Menshouse the costumes, and Matt Corey the sound design.

Macon City In this first full production of the new work are David Hemphill, Hugh Murphy, Scott Genn, Alyn Darnay, Jasmine Fluker, Naja Corbett, Jason DeWitt and Giordan Diaz.

The play has a short run, just through Nov. 29, at the Pelican Theatre on Barry's campus, 11300 NE Second Ave., Miami Shores. Performances are at 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 and 7 p.m.Sunday (no show on Thanksgiving).  Tickets are $25 ($18 for seniors 60 and older, $12 for students).  If you want to be among the first audiences to experience Macon City, call 1-866-811-4111 or visit Naked Stage's web site.
