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Truth Wins Out praises Pastor Rick Warren for speaking out against anti-gay Uganda bill

News release from Truth Wins Out:

Warren Calls Bill ‘Unjust’, ‘Extreme’ and ‘Unchristian’

NEW YORK – Truth Wins Out thanked Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, today for releasing a YouTube Statement condemning the “Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009” that is currently before the Ugandan Parliament. Lisa Darden, a talent agent and filmmaker working on a film about reconciling the Christian and GLBT communities, coordinated the statement with Warren’s church.

“We applaud Rick Warren for speaking out with force and clarity on a bill that would lead to the persecution and prosecution of gay and lesbian Ugandans,” said Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out. “Today, Warren showed true moral courage and stood for what is right and just. We urge other leading pastors and world leaders to stand up and condemn Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill.”

In the video, Warren said he was taking “the extraordinary step of speaking to you, the pastors of Uganda and the spiritual leaders of your nation.” He unequivocally condemned the legislation as “extreme, unjust and unchristian towards homosexuals”. He also urged Ugandan pastors to “speak out against this proposed law.”

Truth Wins Out is a non-profit organization that counters anti-gay propaganda, exposes the “ex-gay” myth and educates America about gay life. For more information, visit TruthWinsOut.org.


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While I'm glad Rick Warren finally denounced the Uganda bill, I reject the suggestion by Truth Wins Out that Pastor Warren should be applauded for his "moral courage" in so doing. In a free society, it doesn't take moral courage to denounce the execution of innocent people; it takes common decency. Coming at this late hour, and under pressure, Pastor Warren's statement smacks mostly of political calculation and desperation.

Not conspiring in genocide is now applauded? We really set the standards high for pastors, don't we?

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