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Newly elected Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller: End LGBT discrimination

Jamaica's newly elected first female prime minister, Portia Simpson Miller, says discrimination against gay people is wrong.

"No one should be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation," Simpson Miller said during a recent election debate, adding that unlike her predecessor she would be open to appointing a qualified gay person to her cabinet.

Jamaica has a reputation among gay and human-rights groups as being among the most homophobic places on earth.


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I am a Jamaican. Your statement that the Prime is a strong gay rights advocate. Is misleading and is a fallacy. The definition of an advocate or Strong advocate does not apply to her. You simply gave a supporting statement on the appointment of gays in government cabinet. Be careful of incorrect messages you may send...A better content analysis is required.

I am a Jamaican. Your statement that the Prime is a strong gay rights advocate is misleading and a fallacy. The definition of an advocate or Strong advocate does not apply to her. She simply gave a supporting statement/answer to the appointment of gays in government cabinet. Be careful of incorrect messages you may send. Definitely, a better content analysis is required.

Dwayne, thank you for your comment.

I've updated my blog post to remove the word "strong."

Also, let's clarify now that the prime minister has called for a review of Jamaica's buggery law, not a repeal.

We'll follow events as they happen. Time will tell.


I can only but inquire, will history serve to underscore the prior period of her brief tenure and that of her recent Appointment to the office of Prime Minister to be a "blight" on the "social fabric" of the nation? Does the recent election results marks the neo-rejection of the "intellectual" in favor of the unlearned?

Steve, She promised to have a free vote in parliament on repeal of the sodomy law. Since members would likely consult with their constituents, it's not at all clear what would be the outcome of such a vote. She also reversed a declaration by the previous Prime Minister, Bruce Golding, who said he would never appoint a gay person to his cabinet. She said she would appoint people based on merit.

I thought they had already killed off all the gays and most of the lesbians. I for one would not go there on a bet.

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