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Controversial pastor demands apology from Miami-Dade Schools chief Carvalho after eviction threat

BY STEVE ROTHAUS, [email protected]

Pastor Jack Hakimian is demanding an apology from Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, who this week said he would consider keeping the pastor from renting space at North Miami High School.

Hakimian is a controversial figure who preaches that gays "can repent, they can through the spirit of God subdue their tendencies." He has posted YouTube videos titled Bible Say's Gays & Sex Addicts In General Can Change & Should Change (Matthew 5:27-30) and Pedophiles Use The Same Argument As Homosexual & Weed Smoking Community.

Hakimian pays the school district about $20,000 annually to rent space at North Miami High for Sunday school classes.

Earlier this week, Carvalho issued a statement to WPLG-Channel 10 reporter Jeff Weinsier that Hakimian's teachings "appear to be contrary to school board policy, as well as the basic principles of humanity, and I have asked for immediate legal review to seek the termination of the contract that is involved. ... I am making this decision not on the basis of policy or politics but as a rejection of prejudice and intolerance."

On Friday, Hakimian held a news conference that also featured Miami-Dade County conservative leaders Anthony Verdugo of the Christian Family Coalition, Eladio José Armesto of the Catholic Cultural Fund, and Nathaniel J. Wilcox of People United Leading the Struggle for Equality (PULSE).

"I never thought I'd be penalized for teaching on Christian marriage and sexual ethics from the Bible, the very Bible that presidents swear on, in a privately rented space at an event not sponsored by the school or district," Hakimian said. "We ask Mr. Carvalho to retract his intolerant statements, apologize and commit to never again to bully or discriminate against those he disagrees with."

Hakimian also said he would consider suing the school district if he is evicted.

After the news conference, Miami-Dade Schools spokesman John Schuster issued the following statement:

The Miami-Dade school district respects the first amendment rights of all citizens, including those who lease facilities, and has demonstrated great reverence and partnership with the faith-based community.  However, statements that seek to demean or defame representative groups within the community on the basis of any legally protected designation are not congruent with board policy and impel the administration to review relationships with those who may be contracting district facilities.  The district is not in the business of policing speech, but has a responsibility to review allegations of intolerance or prejudice when they are brought to our attention.

The District has been notified of allegations which appear to be contrary to School Board policy, and a legal review of the facilities use agreement in question has been initiated. The legal review is currently underway.


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Bible Say's Gays & Sex Addicts In General Can Change & Should Change (Matthew 5:27-30) and Pedophiles Use The Same Argument As Homosexual & Weed Smoking Community.

ok, now let's change a couple of words and see how he likes it...Bible Say's Blacks & Sex Addicts In General Can Change & Should Change (Matthew 5:27-30) and Pedophiles Use The Same Argument As Blacks & Weed Smoking Community.

Doesn't everyones GAYDAR go beserk when you see Eladio Jose Armesto and Anthony Verdugo? Just sayin'.

Here's how we decide this:

If the school would reasonably accept money from the KKK or Neo-Nazi's to spew hate every Sunday, then let this guy continue his hate speech under the guise of "religion".

If the school would not accept money from the other hate groups, then they can't allow this guy to continue.

Don't forget that the bible's version of marriage also includes POLYGAMY and CONCUBINES. 'nuff said

It is an attack on Free Speech! End political correctness!


Just when everyone thought Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho was doing an outstanding job under extremely difficult circumstances, his fear of being persecuted by homosexual extremists operating in the county got the better of him.

According to Channel 10's report, Carvahlo put his foot in his mouth by bullying a local pastor for preaching what billions of Christians throughout History and across the globe preach and believe in.

No wonder Superintendent Carvalho was given some educating by the prominent civil rights leaders and social justice advocates in the story above.

Bullying those whose religious beliefs you disagree with, threatening to violate their freedom of speech, their freedom of religion and their freedom of association is so UN-American, unacceptable, and not tolerable in a free and democratic society.

Apparently, Mr. Carvalho was absent the day all this was taught in his high school civics class. Bullying is wrong, Mr. Carvalho. Don't you know?

homosexuality is a SIN. In 20-30 years are we going to have to accept Pedophilia, just as we are being forced to accept homosexuality as normal and wholesome today?

I'm with you Pastor, and so are the majority of Americans on this one. Standing up for decency and traditional, Godly marriage puts you on the front line of the battle for America. Keep standing in HIS Name.

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