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HRC Twitter campaign: 'Tell Ann Romney: My Same-Sex Marriage is Real, Too'

Tuesday night, Ann Romney told the Republican National Convention that she and Mitt have "a real marriage:"

"I read somewhere that Mitt and I have a storybook marriage. Well, let me tell you something.  In the storybooks I read, there never were long, long rainy winter afternoons in a house with five boys screaming at once, and those storybooks never seemed to have chapter's called M.S. or breast cancer.  A storybook marriage? Nope, not at all. What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage."

Wednesday, HRC (Human Rights Campaign), launched a Twitter campaign: "Tell Ann: My Same-Sex Marriage is Real, Too."

From HRC's blog:

Last night during Ann Romney’s keynote at the Republican National Convention, she lauded her “real marriage.”

Across the country, there are thousands of legally married same-sex couples that equally understand Ann’s “deep and profound love” for her husband, and we applaud the Romneys 43 years of wedded bliss.

Lesbian and gay couples feel the same love, honor and commitment the Romneys feel for each other. Thanks to marriage equality legislation, couples in six states and D.C., are able to celebrate their own “real marriages.”

Let’s congratulate Ann and Mitt on their “real marriage” by reminding her of the love same-sex couples also share.

Tweet Your Message Now:

Because of #marriagequality, my same-sex partner & I have a #realmarriage too, @AnnDRomney #GOP2012 @hrc


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It's just like the self centered Gay and Lesbian bunch to think that Ann Romney was taking a shot at them. You got to warm up to the idea that you just aren't that big of a deal. When Ann Romney spoke those words, I doubt she had you in mind at all. Just because she speaks highly of her marriage says nothing at all about what you choose to fantasize about your relationships. Get over your self. You'll need far less approval and wind up being a lot more happy regardless of what people call your relationships.

Maybe you should look at all the gays that are foster parents to children that are from "real marriages". My friends have been in a relationship for 25 years and were married 5 years ago. 23 years ago they decided they would welcome foster children into their home and have now had 26 children pass thru their house. They have seen some of the worst parents possible and the terrible things that these people do to their children. I love to see the look on the parents faces when they figure out their kids are being taught the things that they were too busy to teach them and it is coming from the lesbians. Their children explain how they are treated well and being taken care of. Some of these kids feel love for the first time in their lives. So maybe you should take a closer look at the people in these real marriages. I wonder if you were to put all the money you have wasted trying to keep people who love each other, regardless of sex, from marrying and put it to better use teaching these parents how to raise their kids.

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