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Killing of gay man in New York City's Greenwich Village draws thousands of protesters (with video)


NEW YORK -- The killing of a gay man who police say was taunted with homophobic slurs drew thousands of people to the scene of the crime to restore a sense of safety to one of the nation's most gay-friendly neighborhoods.

Fabio Cotza, a gay member of an interfaith Bronx church, said he looked around cautiously when he stepped out of the subway in Greenwich Village Monday evening to join the rally.

He said the killing "really makes me scared ... especially since it happened in this area."

His reaction was not unusual after a spate of bias attacks stirred up anxiety, disbelief and outrage even before 32-year-old Mark Carson was felled by a single gunshot to the head early Saturday near from the site of 1969 riots that helped give rise to the gay rights movement.

The crowd Monday carried flags and signs and chanted: "We're here! We're queer!" and "Homophobia's got to go!"

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What hurts me most is that there are no reports of passerby's or others supporting Mr. Carson as he was being taunted. The homophobic cowards usually walk away when I, in the past, have sidled up to victims of verbal assaults and escorted them to their destination while giving my best "I'm with him so don't try anything!" look.
People need to step up and help stop these outrageous actions!

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