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Log Cabin Republicans of Miami hosts reception for gay Congressional candidates DeMaio and Tisei

2014-03-10 Log Cabin Equality Leadership Fund at Casa Larios 019

2014-03-10 Log Cabin Equality Leadership Fund at Casa Larios 005Log Cabin Republicans of Miami on Monday hosted an Equality Leadership Fund reception for gay Congressional candidates Carl DeMaio of California and Richard Tisei of Massachusetts. Guests included Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart and GOP activist Ana Navarro, a CNN political commentator.

The event was sponsored and attended by former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley of Palm Beach.

Above, Navarro poses with Tisei and DeMaio. Inset, Diaz-Balart with Miami Log Cabin activists Gina Sosa, Mimi Planas and Isis Martinez.

For more pictures, click here. Photos by STEVE ROTHAUS / Miami Herald Staff.


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