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Scientists find problems with electronic voting machines

The state of California reported Friday that scientists had been able to hack into three voting systems used in California, including ones manufactured by Diebold Elections Systems and Sequoia Voting Systems. The study raised security concerns about both optical scan and touchscreen machines, although the criticism was much blunt about the security problems with the touchscreens. 31 counties in Florida use the Diebold touchscreen listed in the report, although some counties use it just for diabled voters. Four counties _ including Hillsborough, Pinellas and Palm Beach _ use the Sequoia machines.

According to the N.Y. Times, the reports "came to light on a day when House leaders announced in Washington they had reached an agreement on measures to revamp voting systems and increase their security."

Florida this past session passed a law that ordered all counties to abandon touchscreen voting machines and replace them with optical scan machines that scan a paper ballot. The optical scan machines must be in place by next summer.
