A new financing deal that would have the Florida Marlins -- rather than Miami-Dade
County government -- financing debt to build a new stadium has left County Mayor Carlos
Alvarez cautiously hopeful.
"I'm not going to say ‘very' -- I'm optimistic," he said Wednesday after touring a
Hialeah day-care center.
The new plan would would mean more upfront money from marlins but less overall, and a
larger stake for the county. Alvarez said it "makes me feel more comfortable'' because
the county's entire contribution of nearly $250 million would come up front.
The proposal is still far from done, with the team, the County Commission and the city
of Miami still needing to commit. County commissioners had previously said they want to
see a contract proposal next week.
Full coverage of the new proposal on this link at Miamiherald.com.