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Sansom v. Gelber: budget war of words

Want proof that lean financial times provokes the orneriness and grumbles. Here's the back and forth, via press release, between the House Budget Leader Ray Sansom and House Democratic Leader Dan Gelber:

“The issue of fiscal responsibility should not be a partisan issue,'' Sansom said after the House passed the budget that cuts $512 million by a 77-41 vote. "Our Constitution requires us to balance the budget. Despite the rhetoric by the Democrats today, the fact remains that a vote against today’s budget revisions was a vote against a balanced budget and a vote for fiscal irresponsibility.”

“My Republican colleagues are simply out of touch with reality,'' Gelber replied. "There plan has been to avoid answering the truly hard questions about what they plan on doing. We have no idea what principles are guiding their decisions and what they plan on doing next."
