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Sorry Kid, make way for the Gov's fan...

Crist_zone_2Putting your John Hancock on a bill aimed at helping disadvantaged youth - now that's a breeze. Doing so outdoors, under Miami's muggy and humid conditions - the situation becomes stickier.

Friday morning Gov. Charlie Crist made a stop in Liberty City to sign off on the creation of a $3.5 million pilot project dubbed the "Magic City Children's Zone.'' (The name may have to change.)

Crist was flanked by a bevy of elected officials- including the Zone's biggest proponents in the legislature: House Speaker Marco Rubio, and Miami Democrats Rep. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall and Sen. Larcenia Bullard.

Before adressing a crowd of local activists gathered for the signing, Crist had to take care of one pressing issue -- making sure his trademark Vornado fan, wasn't being blocked.

"I've got a little fan to keep me cool,'' Crist told a boy unknowingly standing in front of the Gov's breeze.

"Why don't you stand here," Crist said as he gently positioned the kid away from the fan.

Everyone got a laugh out of the exchange - everyone except the kid.

For more on Miami's Children Zone read here.

For more on Crist's traveling companion read Political Reporter Beth Reinhard's July 2007 column.
