Broward county commissioners Diana Wasserman-Rubin and Ken Keechl filed paperwork this week indicating they will seek re-election in 2010.
Wasserman-Rubin, the lone Hispanic on the commission, would be running for what would be her last four years due to term limits. Weston Mayor Eric Hersh has said he will probably run against her after she voted to forward on a controversial Davie development proposal to the state for additional review. Hersh opposes the Commons project due to the projected traffic.
Keechl is serving his first term -- in 2006 he beat Jim Scott, the only Republican on the commission. No word on anyone planning to challenge him so far.
Mardi Anne Levey Cohen, who has run for judge twice before, also filed paperwork in advance of a 2010 race this week. She is suing Broward Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes related to her name being left off the ballot in November after a judge initially threw her off the ballot, a decision that was later reversed.