Jim Greer, chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, will be one of nine co-chairs of the transition team for newly elected Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele.
Greer was an ardent supporter of Steele, the first African American to lead the national GOP. Steele's victory means Greer -- and by extension, Gov. Charlie Crist -- have a strong in with the national party.
"Comprised of current RNC members, the transition team will help implement the sweeping changes Steele proposed during his campaign for chairman,'' reads the press release. "Under Chairman Steele's leadership, the RNC will focus on recruiting a new cadre of top-notch candidates and operatives, build new volunteer networks, and forge new working relationships with state and local parties. The team will also immediately begin preparing for the gubernatorial and local elections later this year in Virginia and New Jersey, and the special Congressional election in New York State."