PSC Commissioner Lisa Edgar, the subject of a recently filed ethics complaint, got through one of two Senate reconfirmation hearings scheduled for this week -- but only after a lengthy series of questions from Tampa Bay Sen. Mike Fasano, who called her votes to raise customer utility rates above staff recommendations "mind boggling" and "not consumer friendly."
The vote by Sen. Jim King's energy and utilities committee was 7-1, with only Fasano opposed. Tuesday, the Senate ethics and elections committee votes on the second term for Edgar, recommended for another term by Governor Charlie Crist.
The PSC considers issues including the rates customers pay to the state’s electric, water and telecommunications utilities companies.
"I'm very pleased by the vote today," Edgar told reporters before hurrying off and declining to answer reporters' questions. "Now I'm going to go back to work."
She got plenty of questions from Fasano, who questioned her rationale and motive for recommending last year that TECO be allowed to pass on higher rates that would cost customers an additonal $14.5 million -- against the recommendation of PSC staff, who had suggested TECO only be allowed to pass on lower rate increases.
Edgar declined to explain her rationale, saying the increase is a "pending matter" that might come back before the PSC. "I do believe the staff recommendation is just that -- a recommendation," she said.
Fasano, in the trademark fashion, countered: "You owe this body an explanation. You're asking for my vote. Well, I'd like to know why you voted against the staff recommendation."
(Senators later in the meeting read transcripts from the PSC meeting showing TECO had plans for future construction and sought higher rates to pay for that, something Edgar supported.)
"I stand by my comments that day," Edgar told Fasano, who also questioned Edgar's vote -- also against staff recommendation -- allowing TECO to pass on an additional $33.5 million in rate hikes to customers.
"I am consumer friendly," Edgar insisted.
Fasano shot back: "Do you really believe that? Do you?"
Fasano was less concerned with the ethics complaint filed last week against Edgar by Tallahassee resident Stephen Stewart, a former employee of the Office of Public Counsel, which advocates for citizens on utility matters.
Stewart's complaint alleges that during a November 2008 PSC hearing in which FPL to pass to its customers about $6 million associated with repairs, Edgar used her aide to engage in ex-parte communication with an FPL attorney.
Stewart's complaint includes copies of emails between Edgar and her aide which he said indicate that Edgar was being supplied information by an FP&L attorney during the hearing. Florida law bans such discussions between PSC members and representatives of utilities representatives on pending matters.
"She is more concerned with the concerns of regulated utilities than the concerns of customers," Stewart told senators.