Wasserman Schultz: Fox News Sunday's "Power Player"
Fox News Sunday has dubbed Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz its "Classic Power Player" this week and says it will have the Broward Democrat on Sunday to talk about "her own personal, and public, fight with breast cancer."
She could've qualified as a Classic Power Player as well for her propensity in pulling down federal dollars for her congressional district. Wasserman Schultz, who chairs one of the House appropriations subcommittees, said today she's nabbed $40 million worth of earmarks this year's budget bills -- twice as much as the rising Democratic star did a year ago. (And with a broken leg, no less)
Though the projects -- dubbed earmarks and derided as pork barrel spending -- have their critics, (see earlier post on Wasserman Schultz earmarks), the rep says they account for less than 1 percent of the federal budget and help Floridians -- who pay more in federal taxes than they get back, get their fair share.
The full list of her earmarks follows the jump.
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