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Rep. Rivera likens Gov. Crist to Benedict Arnold

Rep. David Rivera of Miami is a candidate for Congress, an ally of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio and the House's chief budget-writer.

Is he rooting for Gov. Charlie Crist to veto the entire state budget? It's an obvious question after what Rivera said Thursday about Crist's decision to seek Florida's open U.S. Senate seat as an independent candidate.

"This is one of the biggest betrayals in American history since Benedict Arnold," Rivera told reporters Thursday, before gleefully repeating the sound bite for a TV cameraman: "the biggest betrayal since Benedict Arnold."

Rivera also said he won't appear in public with Crist at a traditional celebratory post-Sine Die event Friday in the fourth-floor Rotunda of the state Capitol. The event is traditionally for the Legislature's presiding officers to take a bow before TV cameras and a large crowd of lobbyists and staffers. In recent years, Crist has showed up to share the limelight with lawmakers 

Rep. David Rivera of Miami is a candidate for Congress, an ally of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio and the House's chief budget-writer.

Is he rooting for Gov. Charlie Crist to veto the entire state budget? It's an obvious question after what Rivera said Thursday about Crist's decision to seek Florida's open U.S. Senate seat as an independent candidate.

"This is one of the biggest betrayals in American history since Benedict Arnold," Rivera told reporters Thursday, before gleefully repeating the sound bite for a TV cameraman: "the biggest betrayal since Benedict Arnold."

Rivera also said he won't appear in public with Crist at a traditional celebratory post-Sine Die event Friday in the fourth-floor Rotunda of the state Capitol. The event is traditionally for the Legislature's presiding officers to take a bow before TV cameras and a large crowd of lobbyists and staffers. In recent years, Crist has showed up to share the limelight with lawmakers.

-- Steve Bousquet 
