Here's some more tidbits from today's Quinnipiac poll that probably won't make it into our story:
- Sen. George LeMieux has an upside down job approval rating: 30-22, with 48 percent with no opinion. That's compared to a 25-21 disapproval rating three weeks ago.
- President Barack Obama sits at a 47-47 approval rating, which is up slighly from the last poll's 46-50 disapproval number.
- Florida voters don't like the new federal health care law to the tune of 56 percent to 35 percent. Republicans hate it, Democrats like it (to a lesser degree) and indys mirror the state as a whole.
- 49 percent of Florida voters also think the U.S. should not be involved in the war in Afghanistan,
compared with 43 percent who say it's the right thing. Party breakdowns
are similar to the health care question, except the GOP mostly likes
the war and the Dems mostly don't.