Quinnipiac University just released its day-before-the-election poll that shows Democrat Alex Sink and Republican Rick Scott are locked in a virtual tie. Sink gets 44 percent, Scott gets 43 percent, other candidates garner 4 percent and 9 percent will vote for Mr. Undecided/Mrs. Don't Know. Error margin: 3.2 percent for the 925 likely voter survey conducted from Oct. 25-31.
Sink remains slightly better-liked, with 43 percent of voters having a favorable opinion and 40 percent an unfavorable one. Scott remains upside-down: 50 percent view him negatively; 39 percent positively. Sink is also favored by independents (47-34) and draws slightly more Republican votes (10 percent) than Scott (5 percent).
The poll also finds 9 percent of voters say they might change their minds. That's probably doubtful. If there's any change of heart, it could involve not going to the polls. And that would likely hurt Sink. Despite the closeness of the race, Sink remains behind right now, with Republicans vastly outperforming Democrats in votes cast by early and absentee ballots. If Sink fails to inspire rank-and-file Democrats tomorrow, call him Gov. Rick Scott.
The Q Poll suggests Scott has some momentum on his side. Last week, Q poll found Sink led by 4.
The race for U.S. Senate is essentially over, the poll finds. Marco Rubio (45 percent) has a commanding lead over Gov. Charlie Crist (31 percent) and Rep. Kendrick Meek (18) percent.