The Florida Republican says he's one of 42 co-sponsors of the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 introduced by Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from carrying out cap-and-trade regulations aimed at reducing emissions.
"At a time when Florida families and businesses are already struggling with high unemployment and slow economic growth, the last thing we need is unaccountable bureaucrats in Washington imposing an energy tax through regulation that will increase electricity and gasoline prices," Rubio said. "This bill not only protects Florida’s families but will also eliminate some of the uncertainty preventing job creators from expanding their businesses and employing more people. Floridians in the last election sent a message that Congress should not pass a cap-and-trade system and now we must ensure that unelected bureaucrats in the Obama administration don’t try to undermine the will of the American people."
California Sen. Barbara Boxer, who chairs the Environment and Public Works Committee, assailed the legislation as an "assault on the Clean Air Act" that "threatens the health and well-being of all Americans.
"One of EPA's core missions is to protect children and families from dangerous air pollution and it is irresponsible to prevent EPA from holding major industrial polluters accountable," she said. "As recent polls have shown, including one by the American Lung Association, this bill is out of step with the American public who strongly support environmental safeguards."