The Orlando Sentinel reports that Florida Republican Rep. Dan Webster's town hall meeting today "degenerated into bedlam" with members of the crowd shouting down the freshman lawmaker and yelling at each other.
WFTV in Orlando reports that Webster "faced repeated heckling, boos and shouting matches between supporters and opponents during a town hall meeting in Orlando."
The scenes are reminiscent of the anger voters expressed in 2009 over health care reform at town hall meetings held by Democrats.
This time, though, GOP'ers appear to be on the hot seat for backing a House Republican plan that would restructure Medicare. Democrats have seized the issue as a wedge issue for 2012: they last week went up with ads, assailing Republicans for voting for the measure, which they say would kill Medicare. Republican groups shot back with their own ads.
Among those targeted: Rep. Allen West, who is among 10 Republicans singled out by the House Majority PAC. Its running 60 second radio spots in targeted districts.