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Vet group blasts Mike McCalister as 'inconsistent, inaccurate and misleading'

Stolen Valor, a vet group dedicated to exposing pols and wannabe pols who lie about their military service, just took a solid shot at Republican Senate candidate Mike McCalister, saying that a press release he issued yesterday falsely accused them of being part of a rival campaign. Also, the group notes that McCalister has yet to answer six specific questions about his record, despite the five pages of press release.

McCalister is a truth-telling, hard-charging non-politician. But so far, the way he and his staff have handled the questions about his record show he's acting like a typical candidate who's refusing to deal with simple inquiries head-on.

Here's Stolen Valor's statement:

"We are an unfunded, volunteer, non-partisan activity.  Contrary to false accusations made by Colonel McCalister and his supporters,   none of us are supporting any one of his opponents.  We thank those in the media who have diligently pursued the questions we have raised about inconsistent, inaccurate and misleading statements that were made on the Colonel Mike McCalister U.S. Senate campaign web site; and that he has reportedly made in campaign speeches.  We also urge the media to continue pursuing these and others that McCalister’s excessively long press release raise."
