Pam Olsen, the chipper lady who seems to bless and pray for everyone at the Florida Capitol, is saying her prayers for Texas Gov. Rick Perry in the Republican race for president. Olsen is endorsing Perry, just days after the Florida Family Policy Council's John Stemberger said he'd probably side with the tea-party favorite.
Olsen, who often tells people to call her the prayer lady, is one of the most plugged-in evangelicals you've never heard of in Florida. She's the founder and president of the Florida Prayer Network and she and husband Tenney are the pastors and founders of International House of Prayer in Tallahassee. A former higher-up at the Concerned Women for America of Florida, Olsen also served as southeast leader of the National Day of Prayer Task Force from 2001-09 and was co-chair of Gov. Rick Scott’s Inaugural Prayer Breakfast.