It would be politically expedient to bash the Republican presidential candidates for snubbing Hispanics amid the boycott of the Spanish-language company's proposed debate (background/today's story here).
But then, there's Telemundo, the smaller Spanish-language station that's owned by NBC, which is also hosting a January debate in Florida.
NBC confirmed in an email last night that Telemundo will "be the exclusive Spanish language broadcaster and air the previously announced NBC News Republican Florida Presidential Primary debate, being produced in partnership with the National Journal and The St. Petersburg Times in cooperation with The Florida Council of 100 Republicans. Telemundo will broadcast the debate in its entirety with simultaneous Spanish-language translation."
Will Telemundo have a seat on the panel? NBC wouldn't say. But it probably will. Remember, last month it hosted a debate and briefly hauled out Telemundo's Jose Diaz Balart to ask about immigration. Then, after his cameo, he disappeared -- a move that was widely mocked and deemed a "panderfiesta" by some Hispanics.