Newt Gingrich's latest Spanish-language television advertisement tries to appeal directly to Cuban-American Hispanics, using phrases like "socialized medicine" and featuring speakers who say their families "lost their homeland."
UPDATE: See the video below.
We're working on getting a video (for some reason, it always seems more difficult to find online versions of Spanish-language spots than those in English), but our translation of the spot is below. It features three people praising Gingrich, and clips of his speech at Florida International University last week.
My family came to this country looking for liberty and a dream. But now the United States is resembling the government they fled. Socialized medicine, taxes that paralyze businesses. But Newt Gingrich wants to rebuild the United States that we so love. Newt balanced the budget and created 11 million new jobs. He will be able to do it again. My family knows what it is to lose the homeland they love. It won't happen to us again. Newt knows us. Together, let's retake the country we so love. I'm Newt Gingrich, and I approve this message.