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Mitt Romney mo, wins Iowa by 8 votes, winning in N.H. polls

itt Romney scored the most unsatisfying of victories in the Iowa caucuses Tuesday, barely edging Rick Santorum and underscoring the challenges he faces as he chases the Republican nomination.

Santorum, riding a sudden wave of support from conservatives not sold on Romney, came up short by 8 votes when the official results were finally announced at 2:33 a.m. EST.

It was the closest nominating contest in memory and evoked memories of the 2000 presidential election, decided by just 537 Florida votes. Turnout was just over 122,000, a record for the Iowa GOP caucus.

"Game on!" Santorum declared at 12:18 a.m. Wednesday from his campaign headquarters, vowing to fight through New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida. (story here)

Posted by Alex Leary 

