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Puerto Rico Gov. Luis G. Fortuño endorses Mitt Romney

Yesterday our sources said Puerto Rico Gov. Luis G. Fortuño would likely endorse Mitt Romney today. Today we confirm it. The press release:

Boston, MA – Mitt Romney today announced the support of Puerto Rico Governor Luis G. Fortuño.  

“It is an honor to have Governor Fortuño’s support,” said Mitt Romney.  “As president, I look forward to working with Governor Fortuño on the issues most pressing for the people of Puerto Rico – job creation, public safety and resolving the Island’s 113-year political status question.  Every job created on the Island is another American job added to our nation’s economic comeback.  Working together to continue Puerto Rico’s economic recovery will ensure Puerto Rico is part of the United States’ economic revitalization.  By implementing pro-growth policies that promote job creation, we can help Puerto Rico and the rest of the country.   We must also commit ourselves to stopping drug trafficking into Puerto Rico as a priority of the Federal Government and the required resources need to be assigned.  I will never neglect the U.S. Caribbean border and will continue to support strong trade and economic opportunity, and robust border security. In addition, I pledge to work with Congress to help the American citizens residing in Puerto Rico resolve their century-long status issue by choosing from the constitutionally-viable status options.  I look forward to working with Governor Fortuño on these issues as well as many other issues.”

Announcing his support, Governor Fortuño said, “Mitt Romney is the one candidate who has the record, leadership, experience, and pro-growth plan to continue the course of private-sector job creation we’ve begun in Puerto Rico and provide economic stability for generations.  Mitt Romney has shown throughout his life that the principles learned in the private sector can be applied to all challenges, whether it was saving the 2002 Olympics or balancing the budget as Governor.” 

Background on Governor Fortuño:

 Governor Luis G. Fortuño Was Elected in 2008.  As Governor, he has reduced government size, closed the biggest deficit in the country and set the course for a balanced budget in his first term, cut taxes and revitalized the local economy.  He serves as Chairman of the Southern Governors Association and President of the Council of State Governments. Prior to his election, he represented the people of Puerto Rico in the U.S. Congress.  During his time in the U.S. House, Fortuño served as Vice Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Conference and was a co-sponsor of the Puerto Rico Democracy Act.
