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Union targets Mitt Romney in Spanish-language Florida ad

The Service Employees International Union is teaming up with the pro-Obama SuperPAC Priorities USA for a new $4-million TV and radio ad campaign in Florida, Colorado and Nevada through the summer.

“Mitt Romney shows his true colors and what his intentions are,” said healthcare worker and SEIU Local 1199 member Raphael Suarez from Kissimmee, Florida. “Mitt Romney only cares about corporations and their profits. I'm proud to voluntarily contribute to COPE, our PAC fund, to ensure that Romney's record on the economy, immigration and workers gets out to the community so Hispanics can make informed decisions about what's at stake for working families.”

"Our members want to make sure that people know the truth and are informed on the facts," said Monica Russo, SEIU Florida president. "Mitt Romney's own words show the facts about how he feels about our communities."

Here's the script in English:
(text on screen) MITT ROMNEY IN HIS OWN WORDS.
ROMNEY: You can focus on the very poor, that’s not my focus
VOTER 1 FEMALE: What about us? He’s not thinking about us.
VOTER 2 MALE: It’s easy for him to say that since he doesn’t have the same necessities as us.
VOTER 1 FEMALE: He is… just thinking about those that have made money already.
ROMNEY: I’ll also tell my story: I’m also unemployed.
VOTER 2 MALE: When you are really out of work… you are worried, you don’t want to laugh or make fun of anybody.
VOTER 1 FEMALE: I feel that he should not be the person that leads this country.
(voice over) SEIU COPE is responsible for the content of this advertisement.
(text on screen) Mitt Romney: His words say it all.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Paid by for SEIU COPE,, which is responsible for the content of this advertisement. Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

Posted by Adam C. Smith at 12:01:29 am
