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CAIR cashes in on "NUTS" letter from former U.S. Rep. Allen West through Ebay

While still in office, controversial U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Florida, wrote a brief but terse letter on August 4, 2011, to the Council on American-Islamic Relations chapter in South Florida.

Click here for the Ebay posting with a photo of the actual letter

In the letter, West simply wrote "NUTS" in responding to a letter from CAIR asking the congressman denounce "anti-Islamic activists."

CAIR officials decided to do something "NUTS" itself -- they posted the letter on Ebay.

On Tuesday, CAIR officials announced the Ebay auction netted them $2,625. They reported a Stockton, Calif. man had outbid about a dozen other bidders for the West letter penned on congressional stationery.

Said CAIR in a statement to media on Tuesday:

"We are taught in Islam to meet a bad deed with a good deed. So we turned Allen West's bad deed into 2,625 good deeds. We thank Allen West for his "NUTS"! Every penny of these monies will be used to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding."

CAIR officials also sent a statement from the highest bidder, though they did not name him.

 “As a former high school history teacher, I know that many groups through our history have been the target of mindless demonization, and right now American Muslims, and indeed Islam itself, are chosen as the targets. I am not a Muslim, but I support the work of the Council on American Islamic Relations/ Florida (and elsewhere) in their positive and proactive efforts to fight irrational Islamophobia, and I am glad to make a token contribution toward that goal.”
No word from former congressman West, who was defeated in November by Democrat Patrick Murphy in a razor-thin race for Florida's 18th congressional district along the Treasure Coast.
Click here for the Ebay posting with a photo of the actual letter
