President Barack Obama, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice all agree: Immigration reform is a must.
"Delaying solutions will only make the problem grow. NOW is the time for immigration reform. Join the #iMarch at http://bit.ly/13KCBor," Bush Tweeted this morning.
The president gave him a retweet.
It's all part of a major bipartisan effort to keep bipartisan immigration reform on track in Congress. A segment of the conservative electorate and the conservative opinion elite, however, want to kill it.
Here's the start of the group's press release:
The Partnership for a New American Economy, Organizing for Action (OFA), and Republicans for Immigration Reform today kicked off the March for Innovation (#iMarch), the largest-ever virtual march on Washington in support of bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform. The March, a two-day event that will end Thursday night, brings together leaders from politics, business, tech, sports, media, and entertainment to create a digital storm across an array of social media to back bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform legislation. (Full list of leaders below.)
Beginning at 8:30 this morning with a Twitter Town Hall led by Mayor Michael Bloomberg that will include Jeb Bush, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and Condoleezza Rice – just a day after the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” immigration bill passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee – top #iMarch supporters will take part in a pass-the-baton style event that will feature a number of online venues and digital tools including Huffington Post Live, Google Hangout, Thunderclap, Twitter Town Halls, Facebook, Reddit, Vine, and others. All of this activity will help drive thousands and thousands of supporters to www.MarchForInnovation.com where they will be able to use social media and digital call tools to urge their elected officials in Washington to pass comprehensive immigration reform.