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Rep. Magar reports mild stroke, recovering

MaryLynn MagarTequesta State Rep. MaryLynn Magar today announced that last Wednesday she suffered a mild stroke while in Tallahassee for committee meetings but was successfully treated and is recovering. Magar, 49, "enjoyed excellent health and had none of the risk factors associated with stokes,'' her office said in a statement. 

She is expected to return to Tallahassee in time for the legislative session in March.

Her media release:

In Tallahassee, early last Wednesday morning, Representative MaryLynn Magar suffered a mild stroke and was successfully treated at a hospital in Tallahassee. She was released on Saturday and has returned to the district where she will receive physical therapy over the next several weeks. 

Prior to the stroke, Representative Magar enjoyed excellent health and had none of the risk factors associated with strokes. Her physicians were very pleased with her immediate response to treatment and are expecting a full recovery. 

Representative Magar will remain in the district for the next several weeks while she works through physical therapy and will request absences for upcoming committee meetings, although she is remaining in close communication with the Speaker, House leadership, and the Chairs of those committees on which she serves. She will return to Tallahassee in time for the beginning of the legislative session. 

In addition, Representative Magar's legislative and district staff remain fully engaged in advancing the legislation she has already sponsored and are engaging in responding to the priorities of her constituents without interruption. 

"I want to thank God for a loving family, a great team of health care professionals, and very supportive colleagues in the State House," said Representative Magar. "As I begin this sprint toward recovery, I am already looking forward to my return to Tallahassee. No one wishes for this kind of injury, but God has a plan in all of life, and there is no doubt that I will be uniquely qualified to understand the struggles of those who deal with much larger disabilities than mine. Until then, I appreciate your prayers and support and look forward to seeing you in service very soon."

