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Despite loss of 2,600 jobs, Florida's unemployment rate continues to fall

From the Tampa Bay Times' Jeff Harrington:

Florida lost 2,600 jobs in January, led by workforce drops in retail, hotels, restaurants and healthcare.

The reversal came even as the state's unemployment rate continued to fall, dropping from an upwardly adjusted 6.3 percent in December to 6.1 percent in January.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who is in Orlando this morning, announced the news via a Twitter link to a brief YouTube video. In the clip, he touted that unemployment has fallen to its lowest level since June 2008. But Scott made no mention of the retraction in jobs.

The unemployment rate and jobs numbers don't always mesh, in part because they're drawn from two different surveys. The jobless rate is taken from a household survey measuring people who say they either have a job or are actively looking for one. The jobs number comes from employers.

Read more here.
