A Miami-Dade County commissioner wants to find out what voters really meant when they decided six years ago to make the property appraiser an elected position.
Did voters intend for the appraiser to be a department head still reporting to Miami-Dade administrators? Or were they keen on making the job almost completely independent from County Hall?
To find out, Commissioner Esteban “Steve” Bovo has suggested putting a question on the November ballot asking voters for clarification.
“When I voted on the item, that’s what I thought I was voting for — a completely independent person — and clearly, it wasn’t,” Bovo said. “It’s been sticking out there as something that I think should be resolved one way or another.”
His proposed referendum would ask if the property appraiser’s office should be moved from under the authority of the Miami-Dade home-rule charter and the county code to the Florida Constitution, making it independent from county government.
The question would go on the Nov. 4 general-election ballot, but any change to the office wouldn’t take effect until Jan. 1, 2017 — after the 2016 property appraiser election.