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PolitiFact looks at 'deporter-in-chief' comment about Obama

Last week President Barack Obama told immigration reform activists he would look into reducing deportations of illegal immigrants.

This follows criticism that Obama is falling short of his promises on comprehensive immigration legislation. Not only that, but over the last few years, some have gone as far as to call him "deporter-in-chief."

On Univision’s talk show Al Punto, a Spanish-language political talk show, host Jorge Ramos interviewed a political activist on March 9, 2014, about her choice to use that nickname in a recent speech.

"The truth is we’re at the point of reaching 2 million deportations," said Janet Murguía, National Council of La Raza president, in an interview PolitiFact translated from Spanish. "For us, this is a historic level, more than any other president of the United States. Our community is in crisis, and this isn’t acceptable."

Read PolitiFact for our full report.
