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PolitiFact passes 100 mark on Rick Scott fact-checks


Back in 2010, Rick Scott drew national attention for spending more than $70 million of his own money to win his first elected office as Florida’s governor. Since then, the Republican has become known for serious matters, like his staunch opposition to the federal health law, as well as lighter moments, like when The Daily Show crashed one of his press conferences to make fun of Florida’s effort to drug test welfare recipients.

On March 4, 2014, after Scott gave his fourthState of the State speech, PolitiFact Florida published its 100th and 101st fact-check of Scott. We published one more fact-check from that speech on March 6, bringing the total to 102.

At PolitiFact Florida, we’ve been fact-checking Scott since he entered state politics, shaking up the establishment. We launched PolitiFact Florida about one month before Scott announced his 2010 candidacy and have fact-checked Scottmore than any other Florida politician. We’ve also kept track of Scott’s progress on dozens of campaign promises on our Scott-O-Meter.

As Scott faces re-election next year, the Republican Party has contrasted his record with former Gov. Charlie Crist who announced in November that he will try to regain the seat, this time as a Democrat. (Crist will face former state sen. Nan Rich, D-Weston, in a primary.)

We have fact-checked 101 claims by Scott as of March 4 -- about two-thirds had received a Half True, Mostly True or True rating.
