Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., has beenattracting a lot of attention recently for expressing skepticism about how much humans contribute to global warming and what policy approaches the United States should take.
During a May 20, 2014, interview, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly asked Rubio, "Now, you said (a) flat-out bold and fresh statement that you don't believe the scientists on global warming. Are you going up against these people?"
Rubio responded, "No, here's the point. First of all, I have never denied the climate is changing. That shouldn't surprise us. The climate is always changing. The second point on the science is, the left loves to go around saying there is a consensus, there is a consensus. There is a majority of scientists that say that global carbon emissions by humans causes some changes in the climate. What there is no consensus on and (what) they conveniently ignore is there is no consensus on the sensitivity of the climate. How much is it changing and how much of it is directly attributable to human carbon emission? There is no consensus on that, which is why the models vary so greatly, which is why, despite 17 years of dramatic increases in carbon production by humans, surface temperatures (on) the earth have stabilized."
We wondered whether Rubio was accurate when he said that surface temperatures on Earth "have stabilized."
Read PolitiFact for the full fact-check by Louis Jacobson.