It's only August 5, and Gov. Rick Scott's team just announced his sixth Spanish-language TV ad, bringing his total commercial buy to 22, which includes two radio spots. Between the state GOP and his Let's Get to Work Committee/campaign, Scott has spent at least $23 million on them since Charlie Crist jumped in the race in November.
The fact that Scott is on his eighth Spanish-language commercial (two were on radio) is staggering and a sign he won't cede the Hispanic vote easily to Crist. His Spanish-language outreach began in April, earlier than any other major statewide candidate in recent memory.
Aside from the bread-and-butter taxes message for the Republican, note the Colombian flag in the background. The spot was recorded in anticipation of Colombian Independence Day (July 20th), which coincidentally came just days after Crist's announcement of his Colombiana running mate, Annette Taddeo.
Here's the spot and translation provided by the Republican Party of Florida, which is paying for it:
HECTOR TRANSLATED: We were paying taxes that were really high. Thank God this Governor came, Governor Scott, and he cut taxes, almost nearly by half.
HECTOR: En ese momento éramos 8 empleados, ya tenia 8 y ahora tenemos 16. Ha facilitado más la empleomanía y me parece que cuatro años más va ser espectacular. Hector, Impel America. Sigamos trabajando.
HECTOR TRANSLATED: During those times we were 8, we had 8 employees and now we are 16. He's enabled us to hire more and I think that four more years will be spectacular. Hector, Impel America. Let’s keep working.
CHYRON: Anuncio político pagado por el Partido Republicano de la Florida, 420 E. Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. El Partido Republicano de la Florida apoya y le pide a usted que vote por Rick Scott para Gobernador, Jeanette Nuñez para Representante Estatal Distrito 119, y José Félix Díaz para Representante Estatal Distrito 116.
CHYRON TRANSLATED: Paid political advertisement paid for by the Republican Party of Florida, 420 E. Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301. The Republican Party of Florida endorses and urges you to vote for Rick Scott for Governor, Jeanette Nunez for State Representative District 119, and Jose Felix Diaz for State Representative District 116.
Here's a list
Date | Entity | Title | Language | Medium |
11/4/2013 | LGTW | Opportunist | English | TV |
3/11/2014 | LGTW | Families | English | TV |
3/24/2014 | LGTW | Great | English | TV |
4/7/2014 | LGTW | Lie of the Year | English | TV |
4/16/2014 | LGTW | Navy | English | TV |
4/21/2014 | LGTW | Oportunidad | Spanish | TV |
4/24/2014 | LGTW | Ran Away | English | TV |
5/5/2014 | RPOF | Money and Fame | English | TV |
5/6/2014 | LGTW | Nos Abandano | Spanish | TV |
5/16/2014 | LGTW | Grandpa | English | TV |
6/2/2014 | LGTW | Tuition Increase | English | TV |
6/5/2014 | LGTW | Cumpliendo | Spanish | Radio |
6/18/2014 | LGTW | More Affordable | English | TV |
6/19/2014 | LGTW | GOALLLLLL | Spanish | Radio |
6/23/2014 | LGTW | 4 Years Ago | English | TV |
6/25/2014 | LGTW | What's He Hiding? | English | TV |
7/9/2014 | RPOF | Los Pasos | Spanish | TV |
7/10/2014 | RPOF | The Better Governor | English | TV |
7/15/2014 | RPOF | El Trabajo | Spanish | TV |
7/22/2014 | RPOF | Dedicacion | Spanish | TV |
7/28/2014 | RPOF | Jobs | English | TV |
8/5/2014 | RPOF | Espectacular | Spanish | TV |