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Doral mayor praises Rick Scott as fellow "Christian"


Doral Mayor Luigi Boria greeted Florida Gov. Rick Scott at a campaign bus stop in his city Wednesday. But Boria, an ordained minister at Alpha and Omega Church, sounded at one point more like a religious figure than a city mayor.

"Mr. Governor, thank you for being in our city, which is the fastest-growing one in Miami-Dade County," Boria began, in Spanish.

He spoke about his 26 years in the United States -- Boria immigrated from Venezuela -- echoing Scott's message of promoting the American Dream.

Then, Boria praised "the courage of a  governor who gets up and says, 'I'm a Christian. I defend the name of Jesus Christ,' and this gentleman has done it. I have to speak not only on behalf of my city, but also about the matters that affect my heart."

Boria has frequently worn his religion on his sleeve. Earlier this month, he was criticized for opposing extending domestic-partner benefits to Doral employees on moral grounds. The mayor argued the law would promote adultery, fornication and lewd and lascivious acts.

Boria repeated his remarks in English. Scott smiled, but offered no response.
