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Marco Rubio's wife sideswipes donor's Porsche at Delano fundraiser. Media-coverage car-wreck ensues


Sen. Marco Rubio’s wife sideswiped a donor’s Porcsche Panamera at the Delano hotel’s porte cochère during a big weekend fundraiser for her husband, whose truck she was driving.

The owner of the Porsche, whose identity hasn’t been made public, didn’t want to file a report against Jeanette Dousdebes-Rubio because the damage to the vehicle’s bumper was minimal, Miami Beach Police said.

“It was a minor fender-bender,” said Vivian Thayer, public information officer for the department. “It looked like she may have bumped the vehicle’s bumper. And, yes, a fender-bender isn’t a good term because the fender wasn’t bent.”

Mrs. Rubio was driving her husband’s mammoth Ford F-150 on Saturday morning when she swiped the Porsche as she tried to squeeze by it at the hotel’s narrow pickup and drop-off semicircle driveway on Collins Avenue.

Story here
