A conservative political action committee that has Hillary Clinton in its crosshairs wants Floridians interested in her visit this week to see and hear not-so-nice things about the 2016 Democratic presidential front-runner.
America Rising PAC is targeting Google, Facebook and YouTube users who search for "Hillary Clinton" or whom they have identified as Democrats with a web video attacking Clinton as "unethical." The campaign is aimed only at users in Miami, Parkland and Orlando -- the three cities where Clinton will attend campaign fund-raisers Thursday and Friday.
The video will appear as an ad before other YouTube videos. Ads will pop up for users on Facebook and Google Search.
"By highlighting Clinton's ethical lapses, we're ensuring Democrats know about Clinton's conflicts of interest between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department," America Rising spokesman Jeff Bechdel said in an email.
"Through careful geo-targeting and messaging, we are able to deliver ads tailored specifically to the areas where Clinton will be traveling and to groups most interested in seeing ads about Clinton," he added. "Unlike with TV ads, this strategy stretches our advertising dollars further and spends them more effectively."