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Jeb Bush wants more funding for Alzheimer's research -- though he vetoed some spending for it as governor

via @adamsmithtimes

Jeb Bush's comments that he thinks the government should increase funding for Alzheimer's research are likely to resonate without countless American families who, like Bush's, are struggling with the disease.

But they also may stick in the craw of former Florida legislators, Democrat and Republican alike, who recall Bush vetoeing their budget items targetting Alzheimer's research and care while at the same time approving tax cuts often mainly for the benefit of specific businesses or wealthier Floridians

From the clips:

2001--Vetoed funding for Alzheimer's care clinic in Titusville 

2002--Vetoed $100,000 for an Alzheimer's program in Hillsborough County

2003--Vetoed $187,500 for two daycare centers In Boynton Beach Serving 100 adults with Alzheimer’s disease

2004--Vetoed $12-million for construction of outpatient treatment centers connected with the University of South Florida's Alzheimer's Research Institute. He called it a "want" rather than a "need";  Vetoed $189,000 for Morton Plant Mease Health Care Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders Clinic; Vetoed $80,000 in funding for the Alzheimer’s Care Center of Titusville, the third straight year he cut funding there;  Vetoed $80,000 To Create The First Day-Care Center For Adults With Dementia In St. Lucie County.

Bush also approved millions of dollars in state spending related to Alzheimer's disease, it should be noted, but Alzheimer's programs often wound up as budget casualties under Gov. "Veto Corleone," the nick name he likes to remind voters about as he campaigns for president.

--ADAM C. SMITH, Tampa Bay Times
