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Joe Biden to meet with Jewish leaders in Davie about Iran deal

Vice President Joe Biden will come to South Florida next week to meet with Jewish leaders about the Iran deal and for a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee event.

The meeting about the Iran deal will take place Sept. 3 at the Jewish Community Center in Davie, said a local prominent Jewish leader who had been invited. The event was organized by U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Weston who is also the Democratic National Committee chair.

Wasserman Schultz has not yet announced how she will vote on the Iran deal.

‎"During a meeting on a host of issues the Vice President offered to be helpful, and so as the Congresswoman continues to review the deal and talk with experts and constituents she invited him to South Florida to meet with key leaders in the community,” said her spokesman Sean Bartlett. (See previous reporting by the Wall Street Journal.)

The Sept. 2 fundraiser for the DSCC is at the home of Stephen and Sabina Bittel in Coconut Grove, said an active Democrat.

Biden’s visit to South Florida follows the summer meeting of the DNC in Minneapolis where activists are expected to push for support for Biden to run for president.
