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Gov. Rick Scott's jobs agency spends money attacking California's minimum wage hike

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has a problem with the minimum wage -- in California.

Scott heads to California next week for another job poaching mission. In advance of the trip, Enterprise Florida released a radio ad attacking California for raising the minimum wage.

“Seven hundred thousand. That’s how many California jobs will be lost thanks to the politicians raising the minimum wage," says the narrator. “Ready to leave California? Go to Florida instead — no state income tax and Gov. Scott has cut regulations. Now Florida is adding one million jobs, not losing them.”

Stephen Lawson, a spokesman for Enterprise Florida, said he doesn’t know yet when the ad will start running or how much it cost. It will run in the San Francisco and Los Angeles markets.

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill to raise the minimum wage from $10 to $15 an hour although it will be phased in by 2022. Florida’s minimum wage is $8.05.

When Scott stopped in Miami Wednesday at the PACE Center for Girls to discuss the state’s effort to combat human trafficking, we asked him about the ad attacking California:

Q: “Can you tell me why you think it's appropriate to spend taxpayer dollars on ads related to California’s minimum wage?”

A: “It’s important to get more jobs in our state. I will be going out there. I did four missions last year to different states to try to get more jobs. I’ve done 12 missions around the world to try get more jobs and it’s clearly working. Last week I announced a company that I met with up in Philadelphia, B Braun, they are adding 175 jobs in the state, they are building over a $100 million manufacturing plant. (B Braun Medical will open a manufacturing facility in Daytona Beach) As I  travel the state and show the difference between that state and our state we continue to get more jobs.

Q: “Why does it matter what calif sets their minimum wage at? why spend taxpayer money to attack them?”

A: It matters a bunch of things. Whether it's their minimum wage, whether it's their taxes, whether their regulation, whether their business attitude. They are making it very difficult for businesses to compete. I’m going to do everything I can to make businesses in Florida and businesses want to come here to  compete globally so these young women and everybody in our state has the opportunity for a great job.”

Brown spokesman Evan Westrup fired back at Scott:

"As one of the millions of tourists flocking to the Golden State this time of year, we’d like to extend a warm welcome to the Governor. We can understand why he’s coming back -- there’s lots to do and plenty to learn. In fact, since his last 2,000 mile cross-country jaunt, California has added twice as many jobs as Florida, while paying down debt, building a robust rainy day fund and taking bold action on issues Governor Scott continues to ignore, like climate change and poverty." 
