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Miami-based Healthcare.com names CEO, announces plans to expand

HealthCare Inc., a Miami-based technology company providing solutions for consumers to compare, manage, customize and save money on their healthcare needs, announced Thursday that Jeff Smedsrud a veteran executive in the insurance industry has joined the company as chief executive officer. Smedsrud brings 22 years of experience in entrepreneurship and insurance marketing to HealthCare.com, having sold four insurance marketing businesses to publicly listed companies, was most recently SVP and chief marketing officer for The IHC Group [NYSE:IHC], where he built a $300 million fully insured business and served as president at insurance holding company American Independence Corp [NASDAQ:AMIC].

Smedsrud will lead the company's business development and overall strategy as well as oversee the rollout of HealthCare.com's proprietary health insurance enrollment platform, the company said. The enrollment platform will allow consumers to search, compare and customize insurance plans offered by hundreds of carriers, streamlining the process along the way by using real-time data to make suggestions based on information the consumer provides. Healthcare.com is also planning to offer its own private label supplemental plans, including those that fill coverage gaps caused by high deductibles, which have become a prominent feature of the post-Obamacare health insurance landscape.

HealthCare.com, launched in 2006, draws more than one million visitors per month and features a care provider directory with more than 1.2 million listings. The company is profitable and is aggressively growing an experienced technology and business development team, the company said in its news release.
