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Goodbye to my editor: adapting to and surviving change at work

Yesterday, as I put the final touches on my weekly Balancing Act column, I started to get choked up. It would be the last one edited by Terence Shepherd. Terence has been my editor and partner in producing my Balancing Act column since it first appeared in print in 2003.  We work together to brainstorm ideas and shape the content. He balances me and brings a different perspective to work life topics. I'm not sure who will become my new editor but I realized that saying goodbye to Terence means embracing change at work. It's something most of us have experienced during the recent tumultuous years of recession.

For a look at how I plan to cope and suggestions for experts, see my column below:


In today’s economy, change needs to be embraced

When a co-worker leaves, those left behind find themselves grieving in the workplace loss. Change, whether it is human departure, new technology or a complete overhaul of how things are done, can throw your whole work life balance into a tailspin.

I was going about my chaotic day, rushing from one place to the next when I received news that shook me up: My longtime editor had taken a new job at another company.

It was one of those announcements that are tricky to process. You’re thrilled for the person who deserves great career rewards, and that’s why you feel cruddy for engaging in a pity party.

Saying goodbye to colleagues unfortunately has become too common at many workplaces. Employees are being forced to adapt and survive, even as our bosses quit, our co-workers are downsized, our companies are sold or corporate strategy heads in a new direction. Forget that we are attached to the way thing were. The change can be traumatic.

Post recession, “no one will emerge the same as they did coming in,” says Mark Royal , a senior principal with Hay Group, a global management consulting firm.

Stepping into change takes a huge shift in thinking. Most people admit that they don’t know a good way to handle unsettling events and businesses typically don’t prepare workers to adapt.

Click here to read more.
