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McCollum: Someday Florida's Supreme Court will decide whether gays can adopt

Here's a statement posted on Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum's official website:

Attorney General Releases Statement on Decision to Not Appeal the Gill Case

Attorney General Bill McCollum today released the following statement on his decision to not appeal the Gill Case. This will be the only comment provided by the office on this matter.

"The constitutionality of the Florida law banning adoption by homosexuals is a divisive matter of great public interest. As such, the final determination should rest with the Florida Supreme Court, not a lower appellate court. But after reviewing the merits of independently seeking Supreme Court review, following the decision of our client the Department of Children and Families not to appeal the decision of the Third District Court of Appeal, it is clear that this is not the right case to take to the Supreme Court for its determination. No doubt someday a more suitable case will give the Supreme Court the opportunity to uphold the constitutionality of this law."


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